Learn more about ALD on our About ALD page or visit the national ALD website.
A) No, Alpha Lambda Delta is not part of Greek Life. Alpha Lambda Delta is an honor society that has Greek letters. Q: IF I'M PART OF GREEK LIFE, CAN I JOIN ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA?
A: Alpha Lambda Delta is an honor society and, therefore, will not affect Greek life involvement. Many of our members are involved with Greek life and other organizations. ALD prides itself on networking and working with other organizations and will never limit your involvement with other organizations. Q: DOES ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA LOOK GOOD ON A JOB APPLICATION?
A) Alpha Lambda Delta looks great on a job application. That being said, it would only look good great if you have something to say about it that is positive. This is one of the reasons we have the point system. With the point system, you earn points for volunteering and attending ALD events; when you're earning your points, you'll be gaining valuable experiences that you can discuss with a potential employer. Q: WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA?
A) Once you are a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, there are no requirements to remain a member. However, we do have a point system. The point system is a way for us to keep track of your activity in Alpha Lambda Delta. If you meet the 10-point minimum, Alpha Lambda Delta will provide you with your graduation cords upon graduation. Q: HOW MANY HOURS EQUAL ONE POINT?
A: WMU's chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta awards points based on the number of events you attend (1 point per event), not the number of hours you spend at events. This keeps the number of points required low. Q: DO OTHER CHAPTERS HAVE POINT SYSTEMS?
A: Yes, other chapters have point systems. However, other chapters require up to 25 points per year, whereas we require 10 points TOTAL over the course of your four (or more) years at WMU. We keep this point requirement low by basing points on the number of events you go to, rather than the number of hours you spend at events. |
A) We know our members have busy schedules; this is why we don’t have requirements that our members have to meet each semester. The point system we have in place allows members to earn points at any time prior to graduation. If you have a busy semester, simply pick up where you left off the following semester. Q: ARE THERE ANY HIDDEN COSTS AFTER I JOIN?
A) To join Alpha Lambda Delta, there is a one-time payment of national ($35) and local ($35) dues (a total of $65). This one-time payment is the only thing you have to pay for. Alpha Lambda Delta will hold food/magazine/item drives and shirt sales but these are OPTIONAL, not mandatory. Q: CAN I BE KICKED OUT OF ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA?
A: You cannot be kicked out of Alpha Lambda Delta. Once you join ALD, you are a member for life - so represent us well! Q: WHAT HAPPENS IF I DON'T KEEP MY GPA AT OR ABOVE 3.5?
A: Once you join ALD, you are a lifelong member, even if your GPA falls. You will always be a member of ALD! Q: CAN I APPLY TO BE ON THE EXECUTIVE BOARD IF I JUST JOINED ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA?
A: Yes! Board positions are open to all members of Alpha Lambda Delta, regardless of when they were inducted. We encourage new members to apply for executive board positions! Q: DOES ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA OFFER SCHOLARSHIPS?
A: Alpha Lambda Delta awards over $190,000 in scholarships and fellowships annually. All ALD awards are merit-based, not need-based. Q: WHY SHOULD I JOIN ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA?
A: Alpha Lambda Delta is a great way to network with other students on campus. Alpha Lambda Delta gives out leadership positions to their members and offers scholarships for study abroad, undergraduate, and graduate students. For a one-time payment of $65, you are eligible for all of these membership perks and more. |
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